
1 lb. Peaches, softened 4 quarts water
2 oranges sugar
4 tablespoons cornstarch
¼ teaspoon powdered nutmeg
husks or crackers

Wash peaches, cover them with two quarts of the water and soak them over night. Next day put them into an enameled saucepan with their water, add grated rinds of oranges, nutmeg, and cook until quite tender. Then rub as much as possible through a sieve, add remainder of water, strained orange juice and sugar to taste. Bring to boiling point, stir in cornstarch mixed to a smooth paste with a little cold water and cook ten minutes, stirring constantly. Serve hot or cold with husks, crackers, toasted bread, puffed rice or zwieback.

If desired, a few finely shredded blanched almonds may be added and sweetened cream piled on top.