I've seen shoppers shake, tap, and squeeze their intended fruit purchases; but which is really best way? How do you decide if fruit is fresh?
For fruits, taste is the best test of quality. Many people rely on appearance as an indication of quality, but this standard may not, in all respects, be dependable. Blemishes can be present even though the flavor and quality are unimpaired.
Fresh produce must be handled with extreme care because of it's perish-ability. Pinching, squeezing, or unnecessary handling upon purchase will bruise fruits and vegetables, leading to premature spoilage.
Fruits and vegetables show spoilage in a variety of ways. The list below consists of signs of freshness and spoilage of common fruit.

Good Quality: Firmness; crispness; bright color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Softness; bruises. (Irregularly shaped brown or tan areas do not usually affect quality)
Good Quality: Bright, uniform color, plumpness
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dull color, shriveled appearance
Good Quality: Firmness; brightness of color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Grayish or dull appearance (indicates exposure to cold and inability to ripen properly)
Good Quality: Dark blue color with silvery bottom
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Moist berries
Cantaloupes (Muskmelons)
Good Quality: Stem should be gone; netting or veining should be course; skin should be yellow-gray or pale yellow
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Bright Yellow color; mold; large bruises
Good Quality: Very dark color, plumpness
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dry stems; soft flesh; gray mold
Good Quality: Plumpness; firmness. Ripe cranberries should bounce
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Leaky berries
Good Quality: Should be heavy for its size
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Soft areas; dull color
Good Quality: Should be firmly attached to stems. Bright color and plumpness are good signs
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Soft areas; dull color
Honeydew Melon
Good Quality: Soft skin; faint aroma; yellowish white to creamy rind color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: White or greenish color; bruises or water soaked areas; cuts or punctures in rind

Good Quality: Firmness; heaviness. Should have rich yellow color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dull color; shriveled skin

Good Quality: Glossy skin; heavy weight
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dry skin; molds
Good Quality: Firmness; heaviness; bright color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dry skin, spongy texture; blue mold
Good Quality: Slightly soft flesh
Bad Quality, Spoilage: A pale tan spot (indicates beginning of decay); very hard or very soft flesh

Good Quality: Firmness
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Dull skin; shriveling; spots on the sides

Good Quality: "Spike" at top should separate easily from flesh
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Mold; large bruises; unpleasant odor; brown leaves

Good Quality: Fairly firm to slightly soft flesh
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Leaking; brownish discoloration

Good Quality: Stem caps should be absent; flesh should be plump and tender
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Mushiness; wet spots on containers (sign of possible decay of berries)
Good Quality: Stem cap should be attached; berries should have rich red color
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Gray mold; large uncolored areas

Good Quality: Bright orange or deep yellow color; loose skin
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Punctured skin; mold

Good Quality: Smooth surface; creamy underside; bright
Bad Quality, Spoilage: Stringy or mealy flesh (spoilage difficult to see on the outside)
Source: "Signs of Acceptable and Unacceptable Quality in Fresh Fruits." Applied Food Service Sanitation. The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association. 1995